Rewards Scheme for Distance Learning Students (Session 2023-24)

These rewards are based on qualifying & showing ‘outstanding’ performance & securing All India Rank (AIR) in various competitive examinations. The rewards are applicable:

For the students qualifying competitive examinations like JEE(Advanced), (Main) & NEET.

For the students 'officially declared' with All India Rank (AIR) in 2023-24 examinations.

All India Rank (AIR) Category No. of Rewards Reward Amount Reward Amount Reward Amount
JEE(Advanced) JEE(Main) NEET
01st GEN 1 125000 50000 50000
02nd – 10th GEN 9 50000 25000 25000
11th – 25th GEN 15 25000 18750 18750
26th – 50th GEN 25 18750 12750 12750
51st – 100th GEN 50 12750 7750 7750
1st OBC/SC/ST/PD each 01X04 7750 5250 5250
2nd - 05th OBC/SC/ST/PD each 04X04 5250 2750 2750


Some additional Rewards to the students on their success in various 'recognized' Engineering / Medical Entrance Examinations:

Competitive Examination Rank Type* Rank Category No. of Rewards Reward Amount
JEE(Main) ASR 01st GEN 1 5250
JEE(Main) ASR 01st OBC/SC/ST/PD each 4 1275
NLEEE AIR 01st GEN 1 5250
NLEEE AIR 01st OBC/SC/ST/PD each 4 2750
SLEEE ASR 01st GEN 1 5250
SLEEE ASR 01st OBC/SC/ST/PD each 4 1275
AIIMS-PMT AIR 01st GEN 1 50000
AIIMS-PMT AIR 2nd – 10th GEN 9 25000
AIIMS-PMT AIR 01st OBC/SC/ST/PD each 4 5250
NL-PMT AIR 01st GEN 1 5250
NL-PMT AIR 01st OBC/SC/ST/PD each 4 2750
SL-PMT ASR 01st GEN 1 5250
SL-PMT ASR 01st OBC/SC/ST/PD each 4 1275

Where AIR: All India Rank & ASR: All State Rank; NLEEE: National Level Engineering Entrance Examination; SLEEE: State Level Engineering Entrance Examination; NL-PMT: National Level- Pre-Medical Test; SL-PMT: State-Level Pre-medical Test

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Student who are enrolled in any Distance Learning Proramme of JEE(Advanced), (Main) & NEET will be eligible for the rewards in JEE(Advanced), (Main) & NEET 2023-24.
  2. A student can claim any one reward at a time.
  3. Rewards will be given on the basis of main Merit List of JEE(Advanced), (Main) & NEET 2023-24 only.
  4. Extended Merit List (EML) Students will not be eligible for Rewards.
  5. Students enrolled in Distance Learning Programmes other than Study Material Package & All India Test series will be eligible only for 50 % of the Rewards.

I) For Medals in International Olympiads:
This is applicable for IPhO, IChO, IMO, IBO, IAO, IJSO & IJAO in the following way:
Sr. No. International Olympiad Performance Sr. Level Jr. Level
1 Gold Medal 12750 10250
2 Silver Medal 10250 7750
3 Bronze Medal 7750 5250
4 Honourable Mention 5250 5250
5 Representation/Participation at International Level 3750 3750
Performance at National Level
6 Qualifying for the Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camp /Stage-IV 3750 3750
7 Selection for Orientation-cum-Selection Camp (OCSC)/Qualifying the Stage-III 2750 2750
8 Selection in NSEP , NSEC, NSEB, RMO, NSEJS/Qualifying for the Stage-II 1275 1275

Terms & Conditions:

  1. If there is more number of eligible students than the specified numbers; the reward amount shall be proportionately shared amongst the all eligible students.
  2. If a student is eligible for more than one reward; then he / she will get only the best one out of all available rewards.