NEET Books / Study Material & Test Series

NEET Books & Test Series by Resonance

Complete Package for NEET

Study Material with Daily Practice Problems File + All India Test series + Revision Packages

  1. Comprehensive Study Material with deep extensive coverage of theory to ensure coverage of syllabus for building a solid foundation and clarity of concepts.
  2. Solved examples followed by unsolved practice exercises for CBSE & NEET.
  3. An exercise of past Year problems asked in CBSE, NEET exams with complete solutions.
  4. Advance level problems exercise with complete solutions.
  5. Academic Doubt Resolution facility at Student Corner at DLPD website.
  1. DPP is a set of problems of multiple topics to understand the concepts after covering the theory part of those topics.
  2. Original DPPs of classroom program students.
  3. Designed in a way to increase problem solving skills and a great tool for regular practice of problems.
  4. Structured in a way to facilitate revision of previous topics along with current topic.
  5. Available as DPPs file for Physics, Chemistry & Biology for NEET pattern problems.
  1. Test Papers prepared by a highly experienced & competent faculty team of Resonance.
  2. Perfect blend of Part syllabus tests & Full syllabus Tests for NEET Pattern.
  3. Provides Instant Score with detailed performance analysis.
  4. Test Schedule & Syllabus will be available up to June.
Test Schedule & Syllabus
Rank Booster (RB)
  1. Section-I : It provides Topic wise Question (1000+ in each Physics, Chemistry & Biology) with complete solutions.
  2. Section-II : it is a collection of Part syllabus test, Full syllabus test combined subject (PCB) full syllabus test papers with complete solutions.

Ready Reckoner
  1. Compendium of important Concepts Formulae with Topic wise weightage Analysis sheet Practice test papers.

All courses are available in English Medium Only. While AITS is available in both medium (English & Hindi).

Fee Structure - Complete Packs 2023-24

Class - XI (2 Yrs.) Complete Pack with Online Test series Study Material Package + DPPs + Revision Packages + Online Test Series 18500
Class - XII/XIII Complete Pack with Online Test series Study Material Package + DPPs + Revision Packages + Online Test Series 17000